As a Business Owner, CEO, or Hiring Manager, never has there been a better time to ask yourself these 5 questions: With labor being so tight due to the Pandemic, should we wait to hire top talent, or just hire average, or even below average? If we hire average, how...
SelectionLink conducted an Adverse Impact Case Study which included over 42,000 Pre-Employment Assessment Interviews conducted on applicants from a variety of positions, ranging from entry level to executive level. The results are astounding! SelectionLink’s...
Why do most assessment interviews fail? One issue is that it is difficult to guarantee that the person you are interviewing is the same person who took the actual assessment. But that’s not even your biggest problem. In today’s world, everything is online, including...
SelectionLink’s long-term client, FCC Services Inc. recently undertook a project to validate and redesign seven interviews utilized to support hiring decisions. “We rely strongly on the Insight Interview tool, so it was important for us to help update and improve the...
During economic downturns, or even when the indicators of a recession are present, businesses are often encouraged to: Create forecasting models to anticipate cash flow. Create contingency plans for future uncertainties. Keep their business as liquid as possible. Stay...
Are Home Offices Here to Stay? What actions are you taking? Like all pandemics, Covid-19 will someday be a part of our history. When this happens, organizations can expect three possible outcomes: 1. A mass return to the office and in-person meetings. 2. A...