Talent is the secret key

There are many things that make a great candidate, but by far, talent is the biggest piece of the puzzle.
You can teach skills, send someone to school, give them experience, but you cannot teach personalities!
You can’t teach a customer service representative to smile when there is no smile in them. You can’t teach a salesperson to close if they are afraid to ask. You can’t teach a nurse to care when they lack empathy. Nor can you ask someone to lead if they are not equipped with natural leadership traits. Wouldn’t it be much easier if you knew who had these traits before making your hiring decisions?
SelectionLink’s talent assessment interviews can provide this information and help you make smart, informed hiring decisions.
The science behind our assessments
In order to select the best, we must study and understand how top performers behave. SelectionLink has over 80 years of experience studying the characteristics and capacities that distinguish the very best employees and leaders for hundreds of different roles.
SelectionLink does not study average, but rather the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that resonate with the very best. These behaviors, referred to as talent, are the natural dispositions that allow employees and leaders to realize excellence in certain roles.
This capacity for excellence is not primarily found by identifying their skills, knowledge, or experience, but rather from their innate abilities developed since early childhood.
An employee indeed learns specific skills and acquires knowledge and experience over a lifetime. Still, their behavioral dispositions tend to be ingrained in their work style, and for the most part, are unchanging throughout their lives.
Since talent tends to be a stable component, great organizations recognize that an essential aspect of qualifying candidates is their natural, unchanging talent. Great organizations understand that Skills and Knowledge can be trained, while an individual’s talent is innate and therefore the most important component when selecting top employees and leaders.
Learn more about the process we use to handcraft our customized assessments.
Pro-Select Facts & Benefits
- 92%+ prediction success rate
- Helps you find the right talent
- Saves hiring managers valuable time when conducted before in-person interviews
- Conducted verbally with a Certified Analyst
- 50 to 120 questions
- 30-90 minutes per candidate
- Candidate talent graph and classification score sent to your Hiring Managers
- Verbal feedback available upon request
- Over 3,500 completed last year
Pro-Select Trainer Facts & Benefits
- All the benefits of our Pro-Select solution above
- Allows your hiring managers & HR team to personally conduct our most in-depth, comprehensive, and predictive talent assessment interviews
- Conduct them however you prefer (in-person, on phone, over zoom)
- Engage candidates immediately with verbal assessments
- No waiting on candidates to complete online assessment
- Training performed by SelectionLink Sr. Analysts
- Each certified individual is trained on both interviews and coding of responses
- Upon certification, certified individuals will have access to online portal with talent graphs
Pro-Select Talent Assessments
If your organization is invested in hiring top talent, then Pro-Select is for you! Our Pro-Select Assessment Interviews are the most predictive assessments on the market today.
SelectionLink’s Certified Analysts conduct in-depth talent assessment interviews VERBALLY over the phone or through Zoom. The candidate’s responses are then professionally analyzed to predict their potential success in specific roles within your organization.
SelectionLink’s Pro-Select solution will save your Hiring Managers valuable time when you add it as a step before in-person interviews to weed out any non-performers. You can also use this product post-interview to assist with the development of your employees.
If you are serious about hiring the VERY BEST, let SelectionLink complete the Pro-Select Talent Assessments for your most critical positions, giving you peace of mind and confidence in your hiring decisions
Pro-Select Trainer
Train your HR and Hiring Managers to conduct the most predictive interviews
Pro-Select is also available to you to do in-house. With our Pro-Select Trainer solution, we can train your staff to conduct the best live interviews. They will learn to complete and analyze the same assessment interviews our Certified Analysts complete as part of our Pro-Select offering, so that you can do multiple assessments at a fraction of the cost.
Your chosen associates receive rigorous training and must pass tests to achieve official certification. Once certified, they have access to the software and knowledge necessary to lead your company to hiring success.
Self-Select Talent Assessments
One of the first steps of the hiring process is sorting through resumes to determine who should go on to the next round. This is definitely the most tedious step and sometimes one of the most challenging.
A resume is an individual’s self-representation of their skills and experience and can often be misleading. How do you know if this person would even be a fit for your company culture? And, when faced with two individuals with similar experience, how can you tell which one of them retained the right skills needed for your team?
On top of those challenges, companies often receive an unexpectedly large number of applications, especially for associate and mid-level positions. Do your employees have enough time to weed through them all? Or would their time and talents be better spent on other tasks?
The answer you are looking for is our Self-Select Talent Assessments. Use these online, strength-based assessments to screen multiple candidates at a time with precision and speed. Add the assessment link directly to your job ads, ATS, or company job page to pre-screen all candidates. This assessment was carefully crafted to help hiring managers screen high volumes of applicants, quickly.
In addition to screening for strengths, this flexible assessment allows you to add your own basic knock out questions. Easily eliminate candidates who don’t meet your basic requirements or don’t fit your culture. Never waste time on the wrong candidates again!
Self-Select Facts & Benefits
Self-administered online talent assessment
Ideal for high applicant volume job openings
Saves time by screening many candidates quickly
Provides immediate classification results
Simple use: add weblink to job ads, ATS, or company career page
- Flexible: create your own basic knock out questions
Which assessment solution is right for us?
Self-Select and Pro-Select are not mutually exclusive. Based on your organization’s hiring process, culture, and the types of positions you are hiring for, we can make a personalized recommendation as how to use one or both assessments for the best results.
- Do you screen a high-volume of applicants?
- Are your Leaders meticulous about hiring the very best?
- How much time does your HR team have to spend on the recruitment process?
- Do you have a unique culture requiring custom assessments?
Each organization’s hiring process is different. Ask yourself the questions above, and then talk to us about the answers so we can help you determine the best way to incorporate these products into your unique process.
Data-driven insight
The results will provide an in-depth understanding of your candidates and what drives them. You can even assess the hiring manager to determine if they will be a good fit together. Your greatest success will come from measuring their likelihood of success in your unique environment as well as their capacity to achieve excellence. Our assessments are crafted to provide just that.
Need to see proof? View some of our case studies to see how our assessments compare to real-life employee performance in the workplace. You can also view some sample assessment results and learn about how to use these results.
Strength-Based versus Normative-Based
- Our methodology is to understand what differentiates the best in a role.
- Rather than building a model based on the average, we build models based upon excellence.
Customized versus Standard Assessments
- Identify the talents that are unique to your culture and needs, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach to selection.
- Customize your interviews and “measure what matters” to your organization.
Innate versus Educate
- Focus on the innate (fixed) attributes of a candidate rather than abilities that can be learned or acquired.
- While experience, skills and knowledge are important, these attributes will change over a lifetime. What is stable and unchangeable is one’s talent (the capacity to achieve excellence).
Empower your hiring managers to hire with confidence
“Her resume was perfect and she really wowed everyone during the interview process. Her background and references even checked out. So, why is she just not performing?”
This situation is all-too-familiar for many companies. Luckily, there is a simple solution. There is one critical detail missing from your vetting process – SelectionLink’s strength-based assessment interviews. These talent assessments are designed to provide a snapshot of how a candidate is likely to perform once they are hired. The results of these assessments help to take the guesswork out of hiring decisions.
Put our experience to the test
Our leaders have over 80 years of combined experience studying which personality traits are most important in various positions. If you can find someone with the specific themes we have identified, you and your new employee will both have a much better chance of succeeding.
SelectionLink has assessments that reach all positions from hourly employees to senior-level executives. We offer a wide variety of assessments that can be administered either online or verbally by a Certified Professional Analyst. Or, if you want a customized talent assessment built specifically for your company’s culture and designed to assess your most critical positions, we can help with that as well!
Succession Planning & Modeling
Need help determining who on your team is ready to take the next step and move up the chain? In order to choose the most successful candidate, you first need to be aware of their unique talents. On top of initial hiring decisions, SelectionLink assessment interviews can also help with internal promotion decisions. Let us help you to ensure the continued success of your company.
Secure and Relevant Process
We understand how important data security is. Any candidate contact or EEOC information gathered during the assessment process is stored in a secure database. Our customers completed approximately 50,000 assessments last year. We use information gathered from these assessments, along with other annual research, to evaluate the relevance and effectiveness of our questions. If necessary, we tweak the assessments to confirm effective performance and to rule out any adverse impacts. This ensures that our product is up-to-date and constructive.
Take our FREE demo
Discover today what our strength-based solutions can do for your company.